BT天堂为您提供1960年由凡·赫夫林 查尔斯·劳顿 米琳娜·德蒙若 约翰·埃里克森 西塞尔·帕克 福尔科·卢利 艾历克斯·尼科 利亚姆·雷德蒙 埃莱奥若拉·罗西·德拉哥 John Lee 拉尔夫·杜鲁门 格雷瓜尔·阿斯兰 彼得·卡斯滕 Helmut Schmid 吉安·马里亚·沃隆特 迪特尔·埃普勒尔 科拉多·帕尼 杰罗尼莫·梅尼耶 Walter Barnes 莫伊.拉欧菲 翁贝托·斯帕达罗 布伦丹·菲茨杰拉德 布思·科尔曼 圭多·切拉诺 James Dobson Charles Nolte 主演,杜里奥·科莱蒂 导演的《四面楚歌》/原名《Sotto dieci bandiere》/又名《国际谍舰 / Under Ten Flags》剧情 战争 电影在线观看完整版,《四面楚歌》百度云网盘资源以及《四面楚歌》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《四面楚歌》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!
暂无简介Plot Summary:In 1941, the British Admiralty is worried about the large number of Allied ships being destroyed in the Pacific Ocean by a mysterious enemy vessel. Initially, British Admiral Russell suspects that a German submarine is the culprit. However, the few revealed pieces of the mystery puzzle rather point to a German Navy surface warship.The British don't know it yet but the enemy ship in question is the German Navy raider Atlantis commanded by Captain Reger.His success in sneaking upon unsuspecting enemy vessels is due in large part on Atlantis' ability to disguise itself in a benign, non-combatant, neutral ship.To achieve this ruse, the Atlantis uses props, camouflage, paint, fake foreign flags and even theatrical costumes for its crew to make itself appear something it's not.When Atlantis is close to its prey, it reveals its true identity and opens fire sinking the duped victim. Finally realizing the truth, British Admiral Russell decides to set traps in order to persuade Atlantis to reveal its position to a task-force of British warships laying in ambush.But first, Admiral Russell must gain Atlantis' confidence by pretending he's sending his messages from the German Navy High Command.It won't be easy, since the German Navy uses a Flower Grid Code Map to arrange contacts between its various ships. A game of cat and mouse begins.
Under Ten Flags [1960 - USA] Van Heflin WWII drama | 1.09 GB | |
Under Ten Flags (1960) | 701.03 MB |
二战德国最成功的商船袭击舰之一亚特兰蒂斯号辅助巡洋舰和她的舰长Bernhard Rogge的故事,亚特兰蒂斯号击沉吨位仅次于企鹅号,是两次大战中作为商船袭击舰服役时间最长的,Rogge舰长也以其人道主义和对待战俘的公平为人尊敬。亚特兰蒂斯号于41年11月为英国重巡德文郡号击沉。