主演:Donna Beegle Ej Carion Wendy Garcia Candy Gibbs Ron Haskins
导演:Patrick Kemp
BT天堂为您提供2018年由Donna Beegle Ej Carion Wendy Garcia Candy Gibbs Ron Haskins 主演,Patrick Kemp 导演的《Less Than》/又名《美國真相(台)》未知电影在线观看完整版,《Less Than》百度云网盘资源以及《Less Than》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Less Than》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!
美國竟然有八分之一都是貧窮人口?深入的角度觀察美國的貧窮問題。美國目前的貧窮比例相當驚人,未來令人堪憂。本片深入訪問了兩名博士羅恩哈斯金斯和伊莎貝爾索希爾的研究,其中概述了改變美國貧窮趨勢的三個步驟:教育、工作和婚姻。我們與教育工作者、牧師、學生和社區長官討論村裡的貧窮狀況。雖然當前數據不甚樂觀,但是機會依然存在。呼籲社區所有人為街坊鄰居站出來。希望就在你我之中!Plot Summary:An in-depth look at Poverty in America. What are its causes, what are its effects, and ultimately asks the question, \"Is there Hope?.\" The current poverty rate in America is staggering, and the future is bleak. This film takes a closer look at the research from Dr. Ron Haskins and Dr. Isabel Sawhill that outlines a three-step process towards changing the tide in America. ED. WORK. WED. The film focuses its attention on Amarillo Texas, a rural hub of the Texas Panhandle. We speak with educators, pastors, students, and community leaders about what Poverty looks like in their hometown. The data is harsh, but the opportunity is real. The film is not a political statement, but a rally cry for our communities to step up for their neighbors. There is hope and it resides in each and every one of us.